to Team Tuesdays for Trash. Here you’ll find a group of individuals dedicated to making this planet a cleaner, more equitable and livable home for us all!
Meet the Team
Meet the Team 〰️
Tel Aviv, Israel
Co-founder and CEO
Sharona Shnayder
My favorite part about living on Earth is watching the sun set, the soothing sound of waves crashing and how easily you can get lost when surrounded by nature.
Edinburgh, UK
Chief Operations Officer
Alina Sandauer
Fun climate related fact about me is that I love baking vegan cakes. But I never tell everyone that they are vegan and see if they notice.
Las Vegas, US
Social Media Manager
Vanessa Marshall
My favorite thing about living on Earth is finding new flowers, plants and wildlife!
California, US
CA Chapter Lead & Graphic Designer
Dana Schlomovits
My favorite part about living on Earth is discovering how interconnected we all are to the planet and to one another!
New York, US
Corporate Liaison
Ari Spielman
My favorite part of living on Earth is enjoying the beauty of nature while it's still here. I want to help create a future where it’s still possible.
Chapter Leads
Linda Morodai
Portland Chapter Lead
My favorite part about Earth is watching individuals who have experienced both the beauties and struggles of life come together to form communities and make changes.
Kayla Le
Portland Chapter Lead
My favorite part about living on Earth is everything it has to give for us. Whether it be delicious food, wonderful creatures, the gift of life, or the ability to stargaze.. I simply admire and cherish all of Earth’s abundant offerings.
Marti Goebel
Portland Chapter Lead
My favorite part about living on Earth is how diverse it is. I love getting to see the unique ecosystems and all the different people.
Punya Goswami
India Chapter Lead
My favorite part of living on Earth is exploring the beauty of nature! There's something magical about being surrounded by trees, mountains, and wildlife. It’s always so refreshing & peaceful.🌿🏔️
Eliza Ball
Washington Chapter Lead
A climate related fact about me is I have a compost in my freezer!
Camden Lannin
Washington Chapter Lead
The weirdest piece of trash I’ve ever picked up for T4T was a raw chicken shoved into a plastic water bottle.
Severina Diacova
Moldova Chapter Lead
My favorite part of living on Earth is feeling unity with nature. I want to see beauty without garbage around and breathe fresh air.
Hannah Amick
Idaho Chapter Lead
My favorite part about living on Earth is that I don’t have to romanticize my life to see the beauty, i just need to go outside!
Jamie Bailey
New York Chapter Lead
My favorite part about living on Earth is the animals and nature we have. I love dogs wholeheartedly, and watching the bunnies and birds in my backyard just living their day to day lives.
Casandra Carmelina
Canada Chapter Lead
My favorite part of living on earth is the beautiful sunrise and sunsets views from wherever you are ❤️🌚🌏
Dahlia Jamous
Turkey Chapter Lead
My favorite part about living on Earth is getting to see all the beautiful scenery nature has to offer. The weirdest trash i've ever picked up was probably a lingerie package!
Sadaqah Hamblin
Turkey Chapter Lead
A fun climate related fact about me is that I used to turn trash into all sorts of useful things as a kid— sleeping mats, sculptures, and toys to name a few. Now I'm working towards turning everyone's trash into useful, everyday objects!
Fardosa Mustafa
Kenya Chapter Lead
Fun climate related fact about me is that I learnt how to separate waste at home from my grandmother who raised me :) And my favourite thing about the planet is that it takes care of all of us without discrimination.
Mies Bastille
Massachusetts Chapter lead
My favorite part of living on Earth is getting to experience the beauty of this planet firsthand. There's something so miraculous about watching nature grow and thrive and adapt. It's important to me to be part of protecting that for future generations.
Ainsley Rayhawk
Portland Chapter Lead
My favorite thing about living on Earth is being able to watch the extremely precise and detailed cycles between living creatures and plants, despite how seemingly nonchalant these processes are. I am also a huge fan of picking fruits and berries!
New Mexico, US
Development & Grant’s Manager
Amber Due
My favorite part about living on Earth is the endless creativity, entropy, evolution, and mystery to experience. The unfolding of every moment.
Japhet Kand
Tanzania Chapter Lead
My favorite part of living on Earth is visiting cool paces with no pollution, the feeling I get there is holy.
“Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team WORK. ”