Activist Workbook
We have created this Workbook to give you resources and space to look after yourself as well as you have been looking after the planet and our people.
The Workbook should help you create sustainable mental health practices so you can flourish and heal from and through activism.
The climate crisis is scary and many people experience eco-anxiety. However, nature has also a healing and beautiful side that we don't notice enough when focusing on its intimidating problems.
This Workbooks was made with the intention on giving back to all activists dedicating their energy, time and lives for a greater goal. I hope this helps you heal and grow more resilient and strong roots in this world.
Self-care for Activists
Reflection prompts
Self-care exercises
The Workbook contains:
“Burnt-out people aren’t equipped to serve a burning planet … [so] the well-being of our hearts and souls must be reestablished to their rightful place as relevant, essential.”